Installation guide#

Svg2TikZ can be used in three different ways:

  • as an Inkscape extension

  • as a command line tool

  • as a python module


SVG2TikZ has the following dependencies:

  • lxml (not required if SVG2TikZ is run as an inkscape extension)

  • xclip or pbcopy (required only if you want clipboard support on Linux or Os X)

  • inkex (not required if SVG2TiKz is run as an inkscape extension)

xclip is a command line tools available in most Linux distributions. Use your favorite package manager to install it. pbcopy is a command line tool available in OS X.

Installing for use with Inkscape#

SVG2TikZ is not bundled with Inkscape. You therefore have to install it manually.

The extension consists of the following files:

  •, extension code

  • tikz_export_effect.inx, effect setup file

  • tikz_export_output.inx, output setup file

Which are located in the svg2tikz/extensions folder. Installing is as simple as copying the script and its INX files to the Inkscape extensions directory. The location of the extensions directory depends on which operating system you use:


C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\inkscape\extensions\


/usr/share/inkscape/extensions or ~/.config/inkscape/extensions/


/Applications/ or ~/.config/inkscape/extensions/

Additionally the extension has the following dependencies:

The dependencies are bundled with Inkscape and normally you don’t need to install them yourself. But in the case they are not her, look in the main extensions directory. You can also download them from the repository

Installing for use as library or command line tool#

SVG2TikZ started out as an Inkscape extension, but it can also be used as a standalone tool.

Automatic installation via a package manager#

SVG2TikZ is available on pypi. You can install it directly with the following command:

pip install svg2tikz

Manual installation from a Git checkout#

  • Clone this repository from GitHub, using git clone

  • cd into svg2tikz.

  • For installation as a Python 3 package, type

    $ pip install .

You should now be able to import the svg2tikz module from the Python 3 prompt without error:

>>> import svg2tikz

For more information on the use of svg2tikz as a Python module, see the package guide.

Installation using pip also makes available the svg2tikz command-line tool; typically (for non-root installation), it will be in the directory $HOME/.local/bin/, so to run it, you need to ensure that directory is on your PATH.